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电竞方面专业国外(Overseas Universities Embrace Esports Education as a Specialized Field)

2024-03-29 11:13    点击次数:60

电竞方面专业国外(Overseas Universities Embrace Esports Education as a Specialized Field)

Overseas Universities Embrace Esports Education as a Specialized Field

Esports has boomingly gained recognition and respect from different entities worldwide. It has landed in the field of academics, and it is slowly becoming a specialized field in universities. Overseas, many universities have initiated or are gearing up to incorporate esports studies and complementary courses to provide education and support to students who aspire to apply the same in their future careers.

Esports as an Emerging Field

The esports industry is continually expanding and becoming a lucrative market for many countries worldwide. As the industry's popularity grows, colleges and universities have started to recognize esports's potential to become an academic program. Not only does it translate to new career opportunities for students, but it could also attract new students to enrol in universities.

Varsity Esports Teams and Programs

Several universities worldwide have established varsity esports programs, which provide scholarships and financial grants similar to traditional athletic programs. These programs have gained national attention, and high school students are now considering joining universities' esports programs and teams as a means to get scholarships. These programs are rapidly growing, which signals a massive potential for the esports industry over the next decade.

Esports as a Career Path

Esports as a career has been around for years, but only recently has it been taken seriously by universities as an academic program. The esports industry has various career paths, including esports management, coaching, broadcasting, event management and broadcasting, game design, and more. Therefore, universities have started implementing programs and courses that provide students with the knowledge, skills, and experience to pursue a career in esports successfully.

Esports Partnership with Universities

Esports organizations and academic institutions worldwide have entered into partnership agreements to develop and promote esports studies. Universities collaborate with major gaming developers and organizations to ensure that students are up to date with industry trends and know-how. For instance, Riot Games partnered with several universities for the official League of Legends collegiate championship, while the National Association of Collegiate Esports (NACE) is dedicated to providing a structure for esports in colleges and universities.


The incorporation of esports programs, scholarships, and courses into universities and colleges signals a new era of academia for students who are passionate about video games and the esports industry. A career in esports is a viable option for those who aim to pursue an academic program that caters to their interests, skills, and career goals. As such, we can expect to see more universities adopt esports-related programs and courses in the coming years, making esports a standardized academic field in many parts of the world.

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